
Natural food Recipes
The Natural Food Hub - www.naturalhub.com

 [IAnnotated links to the rest of the site]

This page has links to sites with recipes using soley natural foods.That is, selecting olive and canola oils, using natural animal fats, nuts, fish, vegetables, roots, seeds. There is little on 'sweets', as fruit is a sweet in and of itself.

Natural Food Recipes
Natural Food Recipe Sheets and Database  JJJJJ An absolutely outstanding resource for finding recipes to prepare natural food. The page has a database backend, which generates recipe sets for any major ingredient (50 different types of vegetables have recipe sets, for example!). Or, you can generate recipes sorted by any major  vitamin or mineral you care to name - for example, if you feel you need to boost your zinc intake, you can sort out recipes which analyse high for zinc content. You can also sort recipe sets for specific meal types (lunch, dinner etc), and more. All use predominantly fresh and healthy ingredients. Highly customizable. Individual recipes include preparation time, nutritional value, a list of ingredients to buy, and even wine recommendations! Look for the 'Recipes by Nutritional Content'  and 'Recipes by Ingredient' links. Highly recommended.
Pemmican recipe link site -JJJJ  Links to people with recipes for pemmican (dried meat and fat composite), historical material on pemmican making and more. Unlikely to be bettered...
Lamb recipes JJ From the Zen Sheep Farm site
'Paleo' recipes
This link is for recipes that follow the 'Paleolithic eating' hypothesis, as expounded by author Ray Audette in his book 'Paleothin'. It's chief point of departure from eating natural food as a 'wide church' is the proscription of grains and legumes. Otherwise, it is substantially the same as what I consider 'natural food', i.e. any 'edible' animal or plant (while being mindful that a small proportion -maybe 10% - of people may be allergic to any given animal or plant food).

The PaleoFood Recipe Collection: at http://www.PaleoFood.com/

If you know of  a site with natural food recipes, please let me know!

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